Medically Reviewed By: Mark Schoemann, M.D

While Schoemann Plastic Surgery does not use Allergan Biocell TEXTURED breast implants and tissue expanders, we want you to be informed and educated on industry-related news. On July 24th, 2019, Allergan announced a voluntary worldwide recall of these products due to their possible link with an extremely rare type of cancer. You can read more here.

If you have these types of implants or expanders and are concerned, the FDA and manufacture, along with the plastic surgery community, do not recommend removal of the textured implants in patients that have no issues or symptoms. However, if you would like to discuss this further, or have any questions, please know that we are always available to see you and will share all information as received.

Your safety and peace of mind is our number one priority. We care and are here to address every one of our patients needs and concerns. Please contact our office if you’d like to schedule a direct phone call with Dr. Schoemann or a time to be seen in the office.